Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time to step it up.

Okay gentlemen. I just stepped on the scale and it wasn't pretty.  225, lets call it 223 adding on weight for the time of day and my heavy winter garments...  Either way, not very good.  My food and fitness goals for the week are the following:

  • .5 hours of exercise three days this week
  • 1900 calorie max daily intake

Rick, I don't have any riding plans for next Saturday if you want to plan a ride.  I'm sticking sticking to my touring bike in order to get used to it for the summer.  It's not a speedy bike but if were just cruising I should be able to keep up with you.  Maybe in a few weeks I'll get back out on racing bike.

Are either of you guys up for a midweek walk?  Scott I know you've got the home gym going but hikes are a good excuse to pack a flask, whereas you never see folks doing that on a treadmill.  It may need to be an after dark thing, through the Florida canyon trails.

Sorry for not posting sooner.  I am redoubling  my resolve and efforts!

1 comment:

  1. Bryan - Midweek walks are tough for me. Between trying to squeeze in rides on the spin bike and giving Amoreena a break with Miles and his evening routine I'm all scheduled out. Plus, I don't go into the canyon after dark. How about you guys joining us for a walk to the zoo sometime? It's a good round trip walk, plus all the walking while there!
